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Tiger Race Virtual Running 

牛年byebye ,虎年報到。幸福快樂跟你跑,吉祥好運隨你轉,健康平安保着你,財氣喜氣寵着你!


讓我們繼續以運動鍛煉身體,祈望在疫情過去, 可以在起點見到燦爛笑容的你!


Say Goodbye to the year of Ox & here comes the Tiger~ We wish you all the best “NESS” - happiness, luckiness, healthiness and wealthiness! Let’s keep our body fit and strong through exercise. We hope to see all of you with your brightest smile at the starting line after the pandemic ends!

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Start :Tai Mei Tuk Public toilet>Tai Mei Tuk Rd>Main dam of Plover Cove Reservoir>Plover Cove Reservoir Country Trail>Northern Subsidiary Dam>Plover Cove Reservoir Country Trail>Cheng Pai Tun>Pui Shue Wan Shan>Sam Amun Shan>Fu Tau Sha>Shek Nga Tau>Mount Newland>Wang Leng Au>Kai Tsai Tung>Chek Ma Tau>Ma Tau Fung>Bride’s Pool Nature Trail>Pat Sin Leng Nature Trail>Fishing Point:Plover Cove Country Park Tai Mei Tuk Management Centre 



Distance :23.3km/Elevation:1052m

  • 路線沿途不設補給站。建議參加者帶備不少於2000ml飲料及適量食物補充,或安排支援。請帶備身份證、少量現金($200)、八達通及設本地通訊的手提電話。

  • There are no supply stations along the route. Participants are recommended to bring no less than 2000ml of drinks and appropriate amount of food supplements. Please bring your ID card, a small amount of cash ($200), OCTOPUS and a mobile phone with local network..

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